Fleet – Location de voiture ile Maurice

Our fleet location de voiture ile Maurice page displays all car rental  on offer. The Fleet section is designed to give clients an overview of all our vehicles. For instance it provides each listing a short and long description of the cars options too.

This page is ideal to compare each car against one another. It allows the client to make an informed choice when choosing which car to hire. It shall also display vehicles that may not be available for bookings. Visit the location table to see where our offices and locations for deliveries are across the island, click here.

Overall our most popular range of cars are our economy cars. These vehicles tend to be the basic range at an affordable price to rent. Following this comes our midsize car hire category these are slightly bigger and suitable for clients seeking a car slightly bigger than our standard category.

Our more premium category are our SUV’s, MPV and pick up truck. Overall these vehicles tend to be more suitable towards our road infrastructure providing maximum comfort along your journey. Whilst they provide much more stability and security as well. Generally in Mauritius all visitors seeking to hire a car in Mauritius opts for an automatic vehicle, as such manual transmission are today very rare on our roads. Over the recent years there has been a huge shift in automatic vehicles within the Mauritian market. In order to be more sustainable and green our range of hybrid vehicles such as the Toyota Prius C and Nissan Note are very economical due to the fact that they are electric and petrol functionality.

You can read more regarding our customer experience at Crystal car rental by clicking here to get an insight on clients feedback.