Top Five Frequently Asked Questions about Renting a Car

Renting out a car for traveling on vacations is a task that should be done carefully. It requires proper planning execution of those plans for this to be a good experience.
Car rentals in Mauritius offer exciting deals on rented cars. They also offer services of Mauritius car rental with driver to deliver you a hassle-free experience.
There are plenty of questions that come in a person’s mind before renting out a car. Listed below are answers top five most frequently asked questions about renting a car.
1. Do I need insurance?
Most car rental companies offer you to buy their rental car insurance, which is not very necessary. Renters are advised to first consult their vehicle insurance for rental car insurance service. Car rental companies may charge extra money for such insurances and could prove to be expensive. Instead, one can opt for a travel credit card. Travel credit cards come with rental insurances. It is better to make payments through cards to get discounts and cash back.
2. How many drivers?
Most people list too many people as drivers in the rental agreement, which results in the car rental company charging extra money per driver separately. It is better that you pick one or two people for the driving job. Car rental companies also offer car rental with a driver which can be a good option if you don’t have anyone to drive for that long.
3. Shall I fill fuel by myself?
Renters think it is a good and pocket-friendly idea to rent a car that is already filled with fuel which is a bad idea as most rental companies charge extra money for fuels. It is better to get the tank filled by yourself rather than getting in it filled by the car rental company. Renters are also advised to return the cars to the company after filling its tanks.
4. Will I need GPS?
No. you don’t need to get any extra GPS along with the car. You can use your smart phones for this purpose. Car rental companies charge huge amount of money for renting the GPS along with the car. In case you are traveling to places that ate far and had difficult routes, it is advised to download the maps of that area offline in your smart phone. You can also use old methods like maps and compass for navigation.
5. How to choose the best car rental
Renters are advised to compare the prices and services offered by various car rental companies. You can use various websites that compare the prices offered by various car rental companies according to the type of your journey. You should always rent cars from good sources. Reviews can be checked before making the decision.
These questions will dissuade most of your doubts about car rentals in Mauritius and help you have a great experience.